Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Preparation for Job Interviews

8 hours sleep is a great practice preparing on a Job Interview. It leads to positive reaction on moods, awareness, facial appearance and stress free. What is written on your CV will save you answering confusing questions and active mind will keep you attentive, you may react faster to find the answers to the questions straight to the point. Completing the required hours of sleep wakes you up in good mood and helps your body to prepare for the day.

Drinking liquor before sleep in preparation for an interview is a bad idea, controlling your consciousness cannot be stabilize until morning and your emotions could lead your body and may affect the way you react from the interview. You can use coffee drinking before the interview as a replacement and make sure that complete breakfast is taken to avoid stomach constipation while on interview and will give you a terrible situation.

It is not your mask or wash closet will make your face fresh but sleeping on time makes it perfect. Eye bugs and wrinkles is really bad, judging your face during interview make them think that you are having a stressful journey asking simpler questions that you can answer right away but may not get the correct one and will not get deeper questions. The interviewer cannot discover more on your specialization and other skills, finding them ways to hire you in other field of specialization related to the position needed could not be considered.

Waking up in the morning is the start of your journey, you may start taking the important meal of the day which is breakfast and never skip. Adding to your energy it will comfort your mind emotions and positive gestures. Time is very important, personal things should be complete before interviews.

I guess it would help showing this personal steps for preparation on job interview:

1)      8 hours sleep
2)      Eat breakfast
3)      Drink water
4)      Brushing Teeth and use mouthwash
5)      Check your nails
6)      Quality time on toilet and bath
7)      Do not smoking
8)      Do not forget to bring handkerchief
9)      Use transport with AC or close window (to avoid public vehicle smoke sticking on your clothes)
10)   May use perfume upon arrival on venue
11)   Use WC to wash hands
12)   Check face and attire on toilet
13)   Relax while waiting for your interview.
14)   Do not use your mobile to kill time
15)   Look around for company postings and maybe policy and rules posted.
16)   Be resourceful  and polite

Feel that you are part of the company, and you may enjoy upon entering on the interviewers office.

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